The hangover cure - a Cuppa Tea
Seeing as it's Monday, I'll do something a little bit more substantial. The big question - why am I doing this blog?
The answer is quite simple - because it's something that I'd want to read. Here's what you do - next time you wake up on a Saturday morning with sand in your mouth and a gnome with a sledge hammer banging you on the head (also known as a hangover), gather the other survivors, go to, and just plough through those archives. It works even better if you have a couple of liters of water and an ibuprofen as well. Yes that's right, it's what you've suspected all along, the Cuppa Tea blog is a hangover cure. Hell, I'll probably use it! Of course it is much more effective if you can watch more hysterical videos, visit more timewasting websites and read more hilarious jokes. This is the third post, so you'll have to wait a couple of weeks before you can drink irresponsibly with the knowledge that you have an infallible cure to rely on.
So this thing is all about helping others! And you can help by sending in your own timewasters. Click on 'Send me a Cuppa Tea' on the right and hey presto - an email to Don't worry - I've got plenty of tea bags to turn into Cuppsa Tea through the process of 'posting'. Here's today's:
The Dilbert Blog is written by Dilbert author Scott Adams, and has been my biggest Cuppa Tea for the last few weeks. It is terribly funny and also very thought provoking - he's a clever man. He also gets most of the readers to leave comments - which in turn make for a good read either because:
a) they're very interesting
b) they're very stupid
c) they're very funny
I must say that it's inspired me to have the goal to get loads of comments on this blog. It seems like it would be fun to check my email and see lots of new comments. I'd probably even try to read them all the first time! Anyway, my two favourite blog entries by Scott are The Devil and Talking to God. I don't like them for any religious reason, they just amuse me (and provoke lots of readers to comment 'b' style).
By the way, this would be a great moment for you to leave me a comment and tell me who you are!
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